Anchor Brewing takes on the holiday season with their take on a Christmas ale.  Hailing from the state of California, Anchor Brewing’s Christmas Ale is an exceptional craft beer.  This rich and smooth ale hits all the notes and is a perfect beverage for the holidays.


About the Brewer

Anchor Brewing is America’s first and oldest craft brewery, dating back all the way to the California gold rush.  The heart and soul of Anchor resides in their copper brew house.  Every drop of their beer is made in their traditional copper brew house, with decades-old handmade tools to get the job done.  They pride themselves on using no corn, rice, or adjuncts, only natural ingredients such as pale, caramel, dark, and wheat malts. Since the 1960’s, Anchor Brewing has been a staple in the craft beer world.


About the Beer

Anchor Brewing’s Christmas Ale is a seasonal beer that is only available from November to mid-January.  Every year the recipe and the iconic bottle label changes, but the amazing taste stays the same.  It is deliciously smooth and dark with notes of seasonal spices and a malty backbone.  It has a deep mahogany brown color with a nice creamy tan head and a smell of fruitcake and molasses. This Christmas Ale tastes of roasted caramel malt with hints of spiced chocolate and nuts.  It truly is one of the best seasonal beers on the market.


Quick Beer Facts

First brewed – 1975

ABV – 6.5%

Malts – Top Secret

Hops – Top Secret

Availability – November to January


Would You Like This Beer?

If you are a beer aficionado, this is a great brew to add to your palate.  If you are a casual beer drinker, this is also a great beer to expand your horizons. If you aren’t into dark beers, this is still a beer to at least try out given that its only available two months out of the year.  Anchor Brewing’s Christmas Ale lives up to their reputation on being a delightful craft beer experience.